Banana books is a curated repository of the best design and illustration books.

There are 2 (so far) books under Usability category.

We’ve extracted data from many websites like designernews, reddit, etc, and sorted them by popularity using goodreads in order to create this list.

Just good books. Zero bullshit.

Top 1 in UsabilityThe Design of Everyday Things


Donald A. Norman

Anyone who designs anything to be used by humans -- from physical objects to computer programs to conceptual tools -- must read this book, and it is an equally tremendous read for anyone who has to use anything created by another human. It could forever change how you experience and interact with your physical surroundings, open your eyes to the perversity of bad design and the desirability of good design, and raise your expectations about how things should be designed.

B & W photographs and illustrations throughout.

Top 2 in UsabilityDon't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability


Steve Krug

Since Don’t Make Me Think was first published in 2000, over 400,000 Web designers and developers have relied on Steve Krug’s guide to help them understand the principles of intuitive navigation and information design.

In this 3rd edition, Steve returns with fresh perspective to reexamine the principles that made Don’t Make Me Think a classic-–with updated examples and a new chapter on mobile usability. And it’s still short, profusely illustrated…and best of all–fun to read.

If you’ve read it before, you’ll rediscover what made Don’t Make Me Think so essential to Web designers and developers around the world. If you’ve never read it, you’ll see why so many people have said it should be required reading for anyone working on Web sites.