Banana books is a curated repository of the best design and illustration books.

There are 5 (so far) books under Grids category.

We’ve extracted data from many websites like designernews, reddit, etc, and sorted them by popularity using goodreads in order to create this list.

Just good books. Zero bullshit.

Top 1 in GridsMaking and Breaking the Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop


Timothy Samara

Effective layout is essential to communication and enables the end user to not only be drawn in with an innovative design, but to digest information easily. Making and Breaking the Grid is a comprehensive layout design workshop that assumes that in order to effectively break the rules of grid-based design, one must first understand those rules and see them applied to real-world projects. Basics include composing typographic space, format determination, and sequencing and systemization. Various types of grids manuscript, column, modular, hierarchical are also covered. Text reveals top designers' work in process and rationale. Projects with similar characteristics are linked through a simple notational system that encourages exploration and comparison of structure ideas. Each project is shown comprehensively so readers can see its structure revealed over several pages, at a size that allows for inspection of detail. Also included are historical overviews that summarize the development of layout concepts, both grid-based and non-grid based, in modern design practice.

Top 2 in GridsGrid Systems in Graphic Design/Raster Systeme Fur Die Visuele Gestaltung (German and English Edition)


Josef Müller-Brockmann

From a professional for professionals, here is the definitive word on using grid systems in graphic design. Though Muller-Brockman first presented hi interpretation of grid in 1961, this text is still useful today for anyone working in the latest computer-assisted design. With examples on how to work correctly at a conceptual level and exact instructions for using all of the systems (8 to 32 fields), this guidebook provides a crystal-clear framework for problem-solving. Dimension: 81/2 x 113/4 inches, English & German Text, 357 b&w examples and illustrations.

Top 3 in Grids Form of the Book: Essays on the Morality of Good Design


Jan Tschichold

This collection of 23 essays on book design and typography should be read at least once by all typographers and students of design. Written over a period spanning 42 years, these essays cover many aspects of typography from paper color to tight typesetting to page proportions. A few of the ideas presented in the essays may indeed be outdated now (due mainly to the economic freedoms in modern digital design), but they are few and are still important from an historical persective. Folloowing the rules of design presented here will help ensure a well designed book that does not detract from the contents in any way and best serves to allow that content to speak for itself. Even if you want to always break the rules of design, isn't it better to understand why and how those rules came to be? Of interesting note is that Jan himself was in his youth a radical rulebreaker in his designs, but he learned when it was best to work inside and outside the rules to present the best effect, his design legacy shows how effective he was, and how influencial he remains to this day.

Top 4 in GridsBasics Design 07: Grids


Gavin Ambrose

Basics Design: Grids explores and explains the principles behind grid design and development, to help graphic designers tackle a wide variety of design problems and find creative solutions. A grid serves a similar function to the scaffolding used in building construction - acting as a positioning guide for text, pictures, page numbers, columns and so on.

In this completely revised second edition, best-selling author team Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris demonstrate how a creative approach to grid design can produce dramatic results. Filled with international case studies of contemporary design practice and practical exercises to help designers apply the ideas to their own work, this richly illustrated book is an invaluable guide to grids within design and visual communication.

Top 5 in Grids Best Practices for Graphic Designers, Grids and Page Layouts: An Essential Guide for Understanding and Applying Page Design Principles


Amy Graver

This unique, go-to guide for designers fully details the essential layout and design skills needed to succeed in this competitive industry. With fun and practical application, it offers valuable insight into strategy and business when working in the real world with real clients, starting with basic information on layout principles before delving more deeply into theory and application on a project-by-project basis. Illustrated with real-world assignments and case studies, this guide offers a behind-the-scenes take on the entire process and steps necessary to go from concept to final outcome, including how to overcome challenges presented along the way.